Studio Newwork is a studio I recently stumbled across when searching for some Swiss influenced design. They showcase a stunning array of high end promotional material as well as personal a personal showcase in their quarterly newspaper publication.
They cover the influences of;
Type, layout, colour, stock, folding, finishing, identity and mixed influences.

For these promotional pieces they have dissected type in different ways to aid the delivery of the message as well as creating a visually powerful identity for each event.
Bold sans-serif really is 'in' at the moment, part of me wants to follow, the other me want to use nothing but serif typefaces until this trend it through. I want to see a return to traditional design, more scruffy and weathered and imperfect, but all-together more human. But! I need to learn the rules more thoroughly otherwise the shift will just fail on discipline.

Now a barrage of Promotional material that they have designed. Besides the fantastic stocks that they use, I really appreciate their approach to each brief. While all being very neatly executed, each with their own visual identity, they have considered more than just the current trend of a return to Modernist minimalism.
Yes there is the contrast between large and small tpye and minimal use of colour. But with specific reference to the Robert Geller spring / summer collection with its throw back to the by-gone period of New Wave texture and type. It remind me of April Greiman's late 80s work.
Also the use of an interesting typeface (that I want!) on the silver coated stock project. I didn't source which particular brief it was but it is visually so appealing it just has to be appropriate does it.
Studio Newwork really understand the importance of promotion. While these are high end budget projects, they can be done similarly using the same principles but through a much cheaper process.

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